Attendance matters!
Parents and carers have the legal responsibility to ensure that a child attends school regularly and arrives on time. Absence taken during the school term can have a negative impact on a child’s education.
Attendance Officer Contact details:
Phone Number: Call - (01902) 558 455
Informing the School
If your child is unwell you can inform us by telephone on 01902 558 455 ideally before 8.15am or at the very latest by 9.00am. If busy, please leave a voicemail, or text 0762 481 400.
Please leave the following details:
Your child’s full name and date of absence.
Your name and relation to the pupil
Tutor group
Reason for absence
Parents/Guardians must call each day to inform us of any absence. If you have any queries then please email
All pupils need to be onsite by 8:20am, pupil lateness is not acceptable. Persistent lateness will be monitored.
Medical Appointments
We require all medical and dental appointments to be arranged outside of school hours. Should there be ongoing medical appointments or the need for time off due to a medical issue then a letter stating this from a medical professional is required.
Without the appropriate notice and documentation, children will not be allowed to leave school for appointments. We require at least 48 hours notice (unless it is a medical emergency) and a copy of the appointment card/hospital letter must be brought into school.
For all other planned absences you are required to complete a leave of absence form on the last page of the document below. Please contact the Attendance Officer if you have any further queries.

The table above shows that having full or high attendance rate gives pupils the best chance of being successful at school. Research shows that for every 17 days missed from school, GCSE results go down by 1 grade.
For more detail please see our Attendance Policy – Click Here.