Your wellbeing at Colton Hills is important to us. We want you to be able to engage with your education without any barriers preventing that, whether that be problems with your mental health, how you are feeling or other pupils being unkind to you.
If you have any concerns or worries about anything while you are at Colton Hills please speak with our Mental Health Lead, Mrs R Jackson. You will have pastoral staff assigned to your year group and there is the safeguarding team for you to contact as well.
There are many services available to you to support your wellbeing
Pastoral support and interventions in school.
In-school counselling is available.
External counselling and emotional support can be accessed for you via the safeguarding team.
Other agencies you can approach include:
Kooth.com – sign up anonymously and confidentially. Kooth offers online mental health support with online counsellors and emotional wellbeing practitioners as well as many articles, advice, interactive forums and peer support.
ChatHealth – Text a school nurse for confidential advice from a Wolverhampton School Nurse on 07507 332 631
ChildLine - 0800 11 11 and www.childline.org.uk
Shout – Text 85258 or www.giveusashout.org
CEOP – Report online abuse www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre
Police – Police UK www.police.uk. In an emergency dial 999.